

人生過半,重新盤點之後,發現自己做了好多事情,要盡可能完全列出的話很佔版面。CV 想要一目了然,因此花了些時間精簡,刪去曾經驕傲的細節,蠻像是神經系統的突觸修剪(pruning)。想起《The Menopause Brain》作者 Lisa Mosconi 在許多訪談中都談到,更年期大腦也經歷 pruning,因為人生進入了不同的階段,需要的神經連結與前面的階段不再相同。編輯 CV 時,似乎瞥見了這個過程。


底下節錄翻譯 《The Menopause Brain》關於神經系統突觸修剪的段落,跟大家分享。

It is plausible that as the brain approaches menopause, it gets another chance to go leaner and meaner, discarding information and skills it no longer needs while growing new ones.

For starters, some of the brain-ovary connections necessary to make babies are no longer needed, so arrivederci to that. But also all the neurologically expensive skills we reviewed in the last chapter-decoding baby talk, subduing temper tantrums, and high-level multi-tasking-are not as relevant once your birdie has flown the coop. They are still helpful, but not urgent.

It only makes sense, then, that the brain would eventually start pruning away those expired connections-and what better biological clue to do so than menopause. Again, many believe that, as this latest and greatest brain update unfolds, that's when hot flashes, brain fog, and other bothersome symptoms kick in.

Once the update is complete, the symptoms start dissipating (which may take longer than the other two P's because now we are ... well, older).
等大腦更新完成,那些症狀就會慢慢消散。耗費的時間可能會比另外兩個 P(Puberty, Pregnancy)長一些,因為現在我們... 嗯,年紀大了。


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